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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! March's Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

Now it Springs Up!
In the midst of my despair, he gave me an intimate glimpse into his intentional provision for my life.


Have you ever been through a wasteland? I’m not talking about a real desert, but a figurative place in life that just seems barren, precarious, or desolate? I remember one such time in my life now with real thankfulness to God. In the midst of my despair, he gave me an intimate glimpse into his intentional provision for my life.

At the time, I was pregnant with our 5th child, and we were moving away from all that was familiar and comfortable - away from family and friends. I was in a tailspin, and I was so uncertain of what God was doing in my life. On a hike one day, I cried out to God. I found a bench and just  sat down and let the dam burst. I told him all of my sadness, all of my fear and anxiety, and all of my doubting. I asked him all of my questions:“Would I make lasting friends? Would we find a home? Would our children flourish?” When I had totally exhausted myself, I looked up and noticed a field across the path that had been completely burned. I told God, “I feel like this field, like everything I have known and loved is a utterly dead to me.” I felt so hopeless. But in an instant, God answered me. I was like that field. Only what I hadn’t noticed before was that the field was burned intentionally. It wasn’t a random fire. And on that cold fall day, I realized something: spring was coming. All of the weeds and undergrowth were intentionally destroyed to make way for a new planting. There was a purpose to the burning, and this field would be beautiful again. I knew in my heart that God had gifted me this image so I would see his beautiful intention for me. It wasn’t accidental nor was it a punishment that my own “field” was now barren. Rather, he was intentionally planting something new and beautiful in my life. And though I couldn’t yet see what it would become, I needed to trust him for what he was doing.

When I reflect on that time in my life, that day in particular is a treasure to me. I recall it with wonder and humility. From the place of abundance and blessing that I live in now, I can only marvel at the beauty of how he has orchestrated it all. The field that once was charred and barren is now ripe with fruit that was intentionally planted.

Where do you need to trust God for the unseen things he is doing in your life?


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19

Want to go deeper? Learn more about Isaiah 43:18-19.


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