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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! March's Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

The Messenger Is the Message
Jesus stoops to become the Message he brings.

jesus stoops to become the message he brings.



I’m nearing the end of a “read through the Bible in a year” plan.  

Lest you think of me as particularly holy for tackling the entire Bible, let me burst your bubble with my timeline. I’m now living in the third city since I started it. I say that for dramatic effect, really (we’ve moved twice in the past couple of years). Truth is, it’s been awhile since I began—4 years, so I’m only 3 years behind! I would highly recommend such a loose plan—one filled with a LOT of grace, a lot of room to meander, AND a strong commitment to finishing the race (albeit at a stroll). There’s just something wondrous about trekking through the whole Bible that forces you onto smaller footpaths you’d never venture by habit, because well, they’re kinda far out there. I mean, who ever quotes Habakuk or Philemon? They aren’t the pages I flip to very often. But when you commit to the full Bible journey, you make these singular discoveries—where the path opens up to wide vistas that make you stop and cry for the beauty of them. When I find these gems I marvel that I ever passed over them with indifference. How could I miss them? Sometimes, I foolishly wonder if I might be the first to discover their grandeur. Still, I often bubble over to tell someone about this “new” vision I’ve just witnessed. 

And, so it is. I’ve had such a moment, and I long to share it with you! 

I’m taking you to the book of Hebrews, the very beginning of the book. It opens up with this absolutely breathtaking vision of Jesus. In my own journal, I wrote down 25 glorious truths about him from the chapter. I’m going to show you just a few from the first three verses. If you know them, try to let the concepts sink in afresh. If you don’t, read and wonder. Let the words sink in slowly as you consider each revelation of our Lord in turn.  

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. (Hebrews 1:1-3)


On the podcast

Have you met our January guest, Ellie Holcomb, yet?! She is an incredible singer, songwriter, and author.  You're going to love hearing from her on the Dwell Differently podcast this month!



Wow. Let’s try and take it in together. 

For thousands of years, God spoke to us through human messengers. But when the time was right, he sent Jesus. And suddenly, our understanding of God was no longer limited to messages given through flawed and finite human representatives. All of a sudden, the perfect messenger came, the exact representation of the Father. So that, by seeing Jesus, we have seen the Father himself. But why would Jesus do that? Why would the eternal Son, the Co-creator step into creation? Why would the owner and sustainer of the universe come as a humble messenger? Why take the role of a herald, rather than remaining on his throne as King? He did it because he was the only messenger who could make the message true. He didn’t just declare the message of salvation for all people, he embodied that message. Jesus earned the salvation that he declared. He purified us from our sins through his life, death, and resurrection. He fulfilled every message that came before him. He was not merely the Messenger, but the Message. And having declared and embodied the message of salvation, he rose to glory where he now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Amen, praise Jesus! 

Do you see what I see?  

Do you see the glory of Jesus? Is the weight of these concepts sinking in—the humiliation, the sacrifice, the unimaginable love? How is it that Jesus, the eternal and glorious Son, would do such a thing? Why would he stoop to be a messenger, to take on the shame and suffering? Surely, his goodness and mercy are too wonderful for us to comprehend. He is our best and truest Messenger, living out the message he came to proclaim.  

Jesus is our best news. 

Do you know this Message? Do you believe it for yourself, that Jesus did all of this for you? His wondrous goodness is on offer for us all. He is the best Message—doing everything we couldn’t do, becoming the salvation message we so desperately need. And we can live in that truth every single day, finding release from our shame and failures. It is a message of receiving, not earning or striving. It’s a message of hope for all who fail and falter. And because the message is about Jesus, the pressure isn’t on us anymore. It’s not about us, our successes, our perfections. It’s about Jesus, his successes, his perfections, freely given for all mankind. This brings me to our verse, “Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart…” Don’t you see? Jesus is the light, he is the Message. We are simply following in his footsteps when we share that message with others.  

Have you ever received this message as your own? If you’d like to, it’s as simple as telling Jesus, “I receive your message. I believe it for me!” If you do, let me know, I’d love to hear about it and help direct you towards growing in your faith.

Who can you share the message of Jesus with today?

Thanks for reading,

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