Everyday Evidence of God
The details of creation speak to just how intentional our God is. These things around us didn’t just come to be by chance. They were thought out and were given...
The details of creation speak to just how intentional our God is. These things around us didn’t just come to be by chance. They were thought out and were given...
Even in the city, where concrete is king, creation constantly pokes up between the cracks, calls out from roosted corners, and rains down refreshing waters.
I am blessed to have small kids running all over my house every day. It’s a crazy, loud, messy sort of fun. And, one of the greatest blessings of hanging...
Are you well in your soul today? The old hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul", challenges us to be well in our souls regardless of our circumstances.
The average person can’t imagine running full speed towards a stationary object, with a 14 foot stick in their hands. They gasp at the idea of launching themselves over a...
I am.I fight my battles. I work really hard at it. When a problem comes up, I stress, and then I brainstorm, I make a plan, and then I go...
On this Memorial Day, it’s fitting to think of those who’ve gone before us with hearts inspired by their love and sacrifice.
Sacrifice is always beautiful. Even when sacrifice seems ugly on the surface, there’s a deeper beauty to be found in this most selfless form of love