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BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! March's Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

Weekly Devotionals

Strong Love

How do the concepts of alert readiness, firm belief, and courageous strength fit together with doing everything in love? At a glance, they don’t.

Combat Ready

We regularly do battle with everything from financial burdens to health problems to betrayal and even the deceitfulness of our own selfish desires. So, we need to be ready for...

More than an Olympic Dream

I've always dreamed of becoming an Olympian. My whole life I’ve been in athletics. I trained for years to try and make the US Olympic Track and Field Team.

Tender Care

God’s word ends with an intimate glimpse not only of heaven but into the very heart of God himself.

What is Heaven Like?

Can you imagine perfect joy? Have you ever considered what it would mean to be completely vulnerable, and yet totally accepted and forgiven?

Pie in the Sky?

God's word calls people to dwell on that perfectly good and just place in order to inspire similar realities here and now.

Our Deepest Longing

God's word promises a place where justice is perfectly upheld, where all of our wounds are healed, where people are wholly known and unreservedly loved.

Bigger, Better Plans

God’s word is jammed full of his big-picture plan for the world. It is a plan for joy and purpose, for love and justice, for goodness and mercy to rule...

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