Natalie & Vera : It's Not about a Checklist
“We don’t have to keep relying on our works or measuring ourselves by our failures. We can measure ourselves and see ourselves as Christ sees us, which is people that...
“We don’t have to keep relying on our works or measuring ourselves by our failures. We can measure ourselves and see ourselves as Christ sees us, which is people that...
“It’s not just the head knowledge, in this case, that the work of God is to believe in the one he has sent, to believe in Jesus—but to actually know...
"If Jesus is our spiritual food, are we looking to Jesus to give us the food that perishes, or are we looking to Jesus for eternal, spiritual satisfaction? Are we...
“It’s so encouraging to me that God has not left us on our own to follow after him—we don’t just hear a warning like this to not drift away without...
“What am I paying the most careful attention to right now? And how can I re-anchor myself to the truth with an easy habit or practice or rhythm?” — Vera...
“The reason this verse is in Scripture at all is because we have this tendency to drift.” — Natalie Abbott
“That’s the danger of drifting—while running away is an intentional, purposeful act, drifting away happens without our awareness.” — Emma Mae McDaniel
“This is a daily practice—of not drifting, of coming back. And we have a God who welcomes us with open arms.” — Natalie Abbott