Redefining "Be Who You Are" // Glenna Marshall
"It was memorizing specifically the book of Colossians that helped me see that God's love was constant and not something I had to earn, because my position in Christ is...
"It was memorizing specifically the book of Colossians that helped me see that God's love was constant and not something I had to earn, because my position in Christ is...
"In no way is this verse us earning anything— rather because of what God has done, because of who he is, because of how he has called us and loved...
"What does it mean to make Jesus great? One of the ways is telling people about him." — April Harper
"He has this way bigger and better plan, and way bigger and better ability than I could ever have." — April Harper
"When we're worshiping the Lord, we're going to think rightly about ourselves." — Trillia Newbell
"Jesus must be great in my life, not me." — Natalie Abbott
"You are the God who overcomes all things and invites me into your safe haven. Whom or what shall I fear when I am yours?" — Natalie Abbott
"What is there for me to be so afraid of? If God is God and I am his and he loves me, I don't have anything to be afraid of."...