Resurrection Every Day
"Why does the resurrection specifically matter? It matters because it's true and it changes everything." — Vera Schmitz
"Why does the resurrection specifically matter? It matters because it's true and it changes everything." — Vera Schmitz
"God loves us so much that he paid the infinite price to reconcile us with himself by giving up his Son on our behalf." — Natalie Abbott
"Jesus will walk with us through suffering and through death and bring us out on the other end into resurrection life. It’s a message that we often sell short." —...
"I want you to just listen and hear the Word of God read over you." —Natalie Abbott
"What is that thing that he's showing you from his Word that you need to do?" —April Harper
"The imagery in this passage is a person going to a mirror and looking at themselves in the mirror and forgetting what they look like. That's what it's like when...
“My passion is to help women do three things, to know God’s Word, to love God’s Word, and to live God’s Word.” -Tara Sun
“We obey because we love Jesus. We want to do what is pleasing to him, not because it’s going to earn his favor or his love—he has given that to...